Child Abuse

A) this part of the chapter interested me the most (history of child abuse). I chose this article because I feel no matter what a child does could never amount to you physically, emotionally, or sexually abusing them. I wanted to learn how this came about and where this started. [Image]B)  

C) this video has facts as well as pictures showing you how dangerous child abuse is and how often it occurs
D) this link tells the definition, it tells signs of what to look for if a child is being abused. It tells signs for physical, sexual, emotional abuse, as well as neglect. It shows what the consequences of child abuse leads to such as personality disorders. This link also tells what solutions are available to stop child abuse.

E)      This poem is what I was thinking about while reading chapter 4 (child abuse)
  POEM-Lost Innocence

Looking back on a time and place
Seeing a child's innocent face
Knowing that things aren't as they appear
For inside she cries silent tears
Deep inside she is filled with pain
She feels dirty and full of shame
Innocence lost at a very young age
Locked this child in a pain filled cage
There is no freedom or escape
From the fact this child was raped
While the guilty man is roaming free
This child is sentenced to eternity
Eternity locked away with all this shame
She can't help but feel that she was to blame
Even though common sense says it was not her fault
She can't seem to help from having these thoughts
What ifs' keep running through her mind
She keeps going back to those moments in time
If there isn't something different she could have done
Why didn't she scream or at least try to run
Fear kept her frozen to the spot
While this grown man did what he should have not
Shame and fear made her keep the silence
Kept her telling anyone about the violence
The thing that is shocking beyond belief
Is that this child could not get any relief
The same thing happened again and again
The first one was just how it began
More than one man did his worst
None of them caring about the child they hurt
After the first time was it easy to tell
Was it her pain and shame they could smell?
With every touch a part of her died
Now she is in a prison that has no gate
Every one of them sealing her fate
- Anonymous